Friday, April 9, 2010


For a description of Part I, click here Make sure to click on the file that says, "PART I"
With the recent installation of Dreamweaver, the 8th grade students are now able to produce actual websites that can be posted live on the internet. The unique aspect about this assignment is that students are building every element of these sites themselves, starting with the home page layouts. Here are a few (please keep in mind that these are works in progress and reflect the initial stage in building an effective website):

(above: Jack Findley)

(above: Hans Hinebaugh)

(above: Payton Coates and Kendall Harden)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This was an assignment that I gave to the 8th grade students in Digital Arts. I assigned this project before I saw what Mr. Kevin Dennis did in his spare time. Nice! I like the Animoto transitions and I think that we could do some really interesting things in DA with this type sequencing.

For the Digital Narrative assignment, each student had to prodcue a ten slide, fully-narrated presentation on one of the following subjects: a favorite story/novel, an important/significant historical even, or a story/poem/sequence that they have created. You can go to Google Docs, to retreive the criteria sheet.

Web design, animations, and much more

Hello out there! Boy, it has been a while! During the final two months of the school year, I hope to be posting updates on the developments of the 8th grade website designs. My hope is that we can "go live" with some of these sites by year's end. Students are currently (4/7/10) wrapping up their Digital Narrative assignments (which I will attempt to provide some samples of on a different post).