Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working With Personal Computers (current 7th grade assignment)

Working With Personal Computers is the new module set that the seventh grade students will be working with. The purpose of these assignments will be to provide a working foundation for how computers run and are operated. Students will also engage in computer-based activities that propose real-world solutions, such as, having to allocate a budget for purchasing a software set for four working types (family, business owner, graphic designer, and college student). The student must find solutions to meet the challenges that they may very well encounter in the years to come!


All seventh grade classes have begun this module. What I would like for you to do is to post a comment about how much money you were able to save per user (for example, I was able to save $91.00 as the Home User, I saved $4.14 as the College Student...)
EVALUATIONS: Friday, November 13th. You will receive two grades: 1.) the information that you saved in your work folders will be evaluated (make sure it is completed) and 2.) your scores will be recorded for the nine question follow-up to the "Selecting Software" activity.


  1. Honestly, I came out in the negative on my first attempt as the Home User. Yikes! Anyways, my remaining balance was $-46.67. Needless to say, I did much better the second time around, as I had $101.13 remaining!

  2. I saved 198 dollars asw a home owner

  3. I saved $222.47 as a home user.

    ~Andre Melling

  4. It's interesting to note that, as the day progressed, the savings were higher and higher. Thus far, you all are realizing that in real world situations, you not only have a budget to contend with, but you must also be practical. Don't forget to check your the requirements before you make your application purchases...as you need to spend on only those application programs that you need. Good luck!

  5. Hi mr. woolery! I saved $32.35 for that lucky home user! I also saved 14.32 for that lucky office administrator

  6. By the way Keirstin and I worked together!!!

  7. Annnie and I saved $190.27 as a home owner

  8. Annie and I saved $69.18 as a college student

  9. Sierra Hovind
    I saved $58.42 in Office Administrator
    I saved $96.26 as a collage student
    I saved $90.27 as a Home User
    I saved $209.31 as a Multimedia Designer

  10. Annie, Gene, and Audrey all saved $13.42 as an office administrator!

    p.s. Audrey Rules! ... and Annie

  11. Okay i feel like an idiot cuz i should have just put it on one text...

    saved: $190.27 as a home user
    saved: $69.18 as a college student
    saved: $13.42 as an office administrator
    saved: $309.31 as a multimedia designer

    p.s. Audrey Rules! ... and Annie

  12. We saved $102.17 on Office Administrator

  13. I saved:

    172.40 on the home user
    57.17 on the office administrator
    204.31 on the Multimedia designer
    54.06 on the College Student

  14. I saved...
    54.06 as a college student
    208.30 as a home user
    309.31 as a multi-media designer
    26.22 as an office administrator

  15. I saved:

    208.30 as a home user
    57.17 as a office administrator
    277.11 as a Multimedia designer
    64.06 as a College student

    Home User saved: $222.47
    Office Administrator saved: $102.17
    Multimedia Designer saved:$309.31
    College Student saved: $101.38 (NEW RECORD!!!)

  17. $166.10 on the Home User
    $57.17 on the Office Administrater
    $294.31 on the Multimedia Designer
    $54.06 on the Collage Student

  18. I saved
    131.15 as a Home User
    Office Administrator 102.17
    Multimedia Designer 177.11
    College Student 64.06

  19. Home User saved: $222.47
    Office Administrator saved: $102.17
    Multimedia Designer saved:$309.31
    College Student saved: $101.38
    (All records :P)

    ~Andre Melling

  20. We saved 101.38 as a college student!!!

  21. Home User saved: 212.36
    Office Administrator saved: 102.17
    Multimedia Designer saved: 164.31
    College Student saved: 64.06

  22. College Student:$4.06
    Office Administrator: $57.17
    Multimedia Designer:$68.54
    Home User: $3.09

  23. Hey people!!!!!
    I saved $198.30 on Home user
    $57.17 on Office administrator
    $92.11 on Multimedia designer
    $54.06 on College student
    WOW!!!!! GO ME:):):):):):)<3

  24. I saved...
    Home User:$175.15
    office Administrator:$102.17
    Multimeda Designer:$165.31
    College student:$54.06

  25. Home User: saved- $222.47
    Office Administrator: saved- $26.22
    Multimedia Designer: saved- $309.31
    college Student: saved- $69.18

  26. Hanna Beck and Samantha Telgkamp:
    Hi! So on this awesome assignment We saved $37.37 on the HOME USER. We saved $57.17 on the OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR. We saved $259.36 on the MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER. We saved $39.06 on the COLLEGE STUDENT.

  27. Laura Littiken & Julia McAllister
    For the Home User we saved $217.35.
    For the Office Administrator we saved $57.17
    For the Multimedia Designer we saved $109.36
    For the College Student we saved $64.06
    I have to admit..this was pretty fun because of most of it we couldn't figure which folder to go to and it was kind of fun trying to find it! I liked this assignment.

  28. I saved 64.04 as a college student
    For the Home user I saved 207.5
    For the Office administrator I saved 57.7
    For the Multimedia Designer I saved 154.31

  29. Micaela Duever and Mariah Morrow
    Home User................$112.36
    Office Admimistrator.....$102.17
    Multimedia Designer......$309.31
    College Student..........$054.06

  30. i saved
    For Home user i saved 208.30
    For Multimedia designer i saved 309.31
    For colledge studenr i saved 101.38
    For Office administrator 102.17

  31. Mr Wolery told me to post a comment so......
    DIGITAL ARTS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Micaela Duever

  32. Hi Mr. Woolery!!!!
    Micaela Duever

  33. I thought that the entire seventh grade class did a great job with this assignment! It was really exciting to see the way that everyone got behind this material and took ownership of the work!
    Keep it up!
